Abresist Pipes
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Fused basalt ABRESIST has proven to be an excellent protective lining in pipes and pipe bends. In both pneumatic and hydraulic delivery lines, wear is significantly minimized by built-in tubular cylinders.
ABRESIST pipes and pipe bends have an extremely smooth surface after a short period of operation, thereby avoiding blockages caused by moist materials. Due to the corrosion resistance of ABRESIST, pipes, and pipe bends always remain ready for use even after long periods of downtime.
-Lining material: mineral wear protection made from ABRESIST (molten basalt)
-Application temperature max. 350 °C
-High fretting wear resistance
-Permanently smooth surface
-No corrosion
-Conditionally chemical and acid resistant
-Excellent price-performance ratio for suitable applications
-As green pipes with CO 2 savings of 90% per kg of pipe part